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Taxi Fare Calculator

Our taxi fare calculator provides you with a fixed cost of your planned journey. This taxi fare calculator has helped many people plan their journeys in and around United Kingdom.
When you are on our taxi fare calculator, simply enter your, full name, telephone number, email address, taxi type, pick up address, drop off addresses. pick up city, drop off city, how many passengers are travelling, pick up date, pick up time, how many passengers are travelling, return journey date (if you wish to book a return taxi), if your paying cash or card & any extra details you would like to enter to notify us.
Once you have filled in all the details required on our taxi fare calculator, we will then either contact you via email or phone call. Notifying you on how much your journey would cost you. If you are happy with our price, we can then book a taxi for you at that fixed price, ensuring there are no hidden charges moving forward.
When your payment is received, you will be opted in to our text back service, which lets you know when your taxi has arrived by text message. We will send you a short text with the make, model, colour and registration number of the vehicle picking you up once the driver has arrived. With this service you will never need to worry about getting into the wrong taxi again.

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